Stockholm, 15th of May 2008

His Excellency Mahmoud Ahmedinejad
The Presidency,
Palestine Avenue 
Azerbaijan Intersection
Islamic Republic of Iran

We have been informed on the situation of Farzad Kamanger, a teacher and Kurdish Human Rights activist. He has been severely tortured. His “crimes” – among other human rights activities – is that he has insisted on medical treatment for his brother who was in prison because political activities. Farzad has not been allowed to see his family during his long and painful time in prison.
Farzad Kamanger has been sentenced to death without any trial, without any chance to defend himself against false accusations. He has been denied to see a defense lawyer when his was case was taken to court. In court he only got the message that he had been sentenced to death – nothing else. 
This way of treating people is extremely brutal and sadistic and against the law. It is against the UN Convention on Human Rights. 
We strongly protest against the extremely unfair treatment of Farzad Kamanger
He must immediately be released and taken to hospital for medical treatment. 

Lars Ohly, MP
Chariman of the Left Party of Sweden